New Scout Family Orientation

Because we were all new once

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Welcome to Troop 728!  We're all very glad to have your Scouts join our troop!  Here is a little intro information about Scouts BSA and Troop 728 prepared by our former Committee Chair, Rachel Cahill.  

If you have questions, concerns, or comments, please reach out to:

Tom Schmidt, Troop 728 Committee Chair at 214 207 6654 or

Step 1 - Apply!  If you are new you can apply online HERE. Financial assistance is available, if needed.

Step 2 - Please complete the BSA Annual Medical Form with his medical records with the troop.  Please attach a copy of his shot record and a copy of his  insurance card (front & back)

Step 3 - Come to the meetings!  We meet in the East Room at the St. Paul Parish Center (MAP) every Sunday from 6-7:30 PM except on weekends of a camping trip.  You do not need to stay for all of the meetings, but your son might want you to be with him for the first meeting to make him more comfortable. Your son must come to at least one meeting before he can attend a camping trip.

Step 4 - Go to the Scout Shop and get your uniform and handbook.  <- click the 2 links for detailed information.  If you need financial assistance, please let me know privately.

Step 5 - We camp every month, so get ready for camp.  This page talks about camping and has the packing list for you. The troop supplies the tents and food, but you will need to bring your own personal gear.  We collect $15 a month for "dues" to allow us to purchase food for camp for everyone and cover other program expenses.

We have Troop Committee meetings once a month and all parents are welcome to attend.  If you want to join the Committee, please let our committee chair know.

Never be afraid to ask questions!  We were all new once!!! 

On these pages, we will cover.....