Adult Awards
Our adult Scouters are not in it for awards,but.....
The scouting program recognizes adult volunteer leaders for their time and impact on growing and improving the scouting program. This recognition comes from the unit, district, council, or even the national level and is a great way to say thank you for your service to the Boy Scout organization.
Northern Trail District Awards:
YES (Your Extraordinary Service)
Bill Archer
Colleen Archer
David Bruner
Rachel Cahill
Jim Cardenas
Jeff Cormier
Lora Davis
Kevin Eddy
Chuck Holden
Mary Ann Ineich
Pete Ineich
Mike Koenecke
Michael McNamara
George Moore
Chris Nottingham
Alan Pruitt
Joe Tavares
Celeste Schmidt
Tom Schmidt
Madeleine Uy
Howard Westerman
District Award of Merit
2013 Marie Baert
2010 Steve Carpenter
2009 Chuck Holden
2008 Pete Ineich
2006 Joe Tavares
1990 Mark Carpenter
Silver Beaver Award
2018 Marie Baert
2016 Joe Tavares
2013 Chuck Holden
2010 Steve Carpenter
1993 Mark Carpenter
Scouter's Training Award
2005 Joe Tavares
Catholic Awards:
Bronze Pelican Award
Pete Ineich
Marie Baert
Joe Tavares
Chuck Holden
St. George Award
Marie Baert
Chuck Holden
Joe Tavares
St. Christopher Award
Mike Koenecke
DDCCS Leadership Certificate
Marie Baert
Jim Cardenas
Joe Tavares
Troop 728 Awards:
Troop 728 Cup
2009 George Moore
Troop 728 Certificate of Excellence
2004 Joe Tavares
Wood Badge Trained Leaders
Wood Badge is a rigorous advanced, national leadership course open only to Scouting volunteers and professionals. Scouters from Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, Varsity Scouting, Venturing, Sea Scouts, and Explorers, and district and council Scouters all are welcome and belong here.
Bill Archer
Marie Baert
Mark Carpenter
David Hausler
Chuck Holden
Pete Ineich
Phil McEwan
Michael McNamara *pending completion
George Moore
Alan Pruitt *pending completion
Joe Tavares