Adult Leader Positions
Charter Organization Rep - Chuck Holden
The Chartered Organization Representative (COR) is the direct contact between the unit and the Chartered Organization, in our case St. Paul Catholic Church. This individual is also the organization’s contact with the District Committee and the Local Council. The chartered organization representative may become a member of the district committee and is a voting member of the council. If the chartered organization has more than one unit, one representative serves them all. The Chartered Organization Representative appoints the Unit Committee Chairman.
Committee Chair - Rachel Cahill
The Committee Chair (CC) is appointed by the chartered organization to see that all committee functions are carried out. The Committee Chair appoints and supervises the unit committee and unit leaders, and organizes the committee to see that all committee responsibilities are delegated, coordinated and completed. The Committee Chair ensures that the troop is following the requirements and rules of BSA and chartered organization. The Committee Chair is also responsible to ensure that the unit is properly chartered with BSA.
Scoutmaster - Pete Ineich
The Scoutmaster is the adult responsible for working directly with the Scouts to help them create the program for the troop. The Scoutmaster trains youth leaders to run the troop by providing direction, coaching, and support. The Scoutmaster's role is to providing the the junior leaders with the tools and skills so they can run the troop and be a good mentor and positive role model.
Assistant Scoutmaster(s)
An Assistant Scoutmaster is one of the adult leaders age 18 or over who assist the Scoutmaster in delivering the troop program. Each assistant Scoutmaster is assigned specific program duties. They can serve the troop by guiding a particular patrol to which they’ve been assigned, advising certain Scouts who’ve assumed a leadership position, or fill in as necessary to assure the junior leaders have what they need to run things. They also provide the two-deep leadership.
The Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters are NOT formal members of the Troop committee. The Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters are advisers to the committee. They may attend committee meetings to communicate scout plans and to coordinate the needs of the Scouts. This factor is important to remember during Boards of Review because the Boards of Review also serve as quality checks of the Scouting program as delivered by the Scoutmaster and the Assistant Scoutmasters.
Troop Committee Members
The troop committee is made up of registered members of the troop and serves as a cross between a board of directors and a parent support group. It sets troop policies and handles administrative functions, allowing the Scoutmaster and assistant Scoutmasters to focus on working directly with the Scouts.
Advancement Coordinator - Michael McNamara
The advancement coordinator is member of the Troop Committee that is appointed by the Committee Chair to ensure that the unit has boards of review as needed for advancement, quarterly Courts of Honor, and that the unit has goals of helping each Scout advance a rank each year and for new Scouts to reach First Class rank during their first year. The advancement coordinator is also responsible for working directly with scouts for record keeping purposes and submitting BSA advancement reports to council.